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Kathleen Lewis
Multimedia Work
In addition to writing, I have experience with video packages, graphic design, and photography. Here are some of my favorites.
Meet Your Staff of the 2019 - 2020
The Raider Voice
For this video, I taught myself to use Adobe Premiere Pro and Photoshop so I could edit and animate the video to parody the theme of NBC's "Brooklyn 99." While the music and style of the video does not belong to my publication, I made sure to credit Brooklyn 99 for the inspiration and I edited it myself from scratch.
Sophomores' Bike Building Charity Event
This one I did entirely by myself while I attended the field trip. It was one of the first videos I made after Don Goble's workshop, and to me it marks a turning point in my development as a multimedia journalist. Unlike the videos before it, I made sure to include a variety of interesting angles and breaks from voice over with natural sound. It was also really fun to put together.
An Inside Look at Concussion Prevention
While the voiceover for this video was done by Eduardo Cachon and the football and volleyball footage belongs to Lucas Figueroa, I edited and wrote this video. Working as a team with other staff members was a fun experience, and we conducted research and spoke with a variety of people within the athletic program to learn as much as we could about sports concussions and what our school was doing to prevent them.
"Misty Morning"
Featured in Reflections 2020 literary magazine
Click here to see more of my photos!
"Pardon Our Dust"
Featured in an article I wrote for The Raider Voice detailing the school's massive campus construction plans
Two spreads I created for the 2021 "Reflections" literary magazine using Adobe InDesign.
I designed and created all of the spreads for "Strides" Women's History Month magazine.
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